
Imperial Household Agency eunuch during storage in the office how still at the discretion of the letter elected lawmakers Yamamoto

Imperial Household Agency eunuch during storage in the office how still at the discretion of the letter elected lawmakers Yamamoto

Which civil servant and one that has been adopted by taking high score in the written test and deputies chosen by the election of the voters in Japan under the sovereignty of the people first is whether the case on ? That .

If Miyauchi eunuch of civil servants the letter, described in a press conference such as a personal opinion not suitable for you is what you are departing from the status of eunuch .
You will excuse if I restrain Yamamoto at that time and if it's the case ?

For the upper house lawmaker Taro Yamamoto ( independent ) was handed a letter to the Emperor in the autumn garden party , at a regular press conference of the 5th , Shinichiro Yamamoto, deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency of parliamentarians hold out a letter in place of " Garden Party is suitable I said " no .

The administrative agency who has custody , not across Majesty also revealed the letter.

Yamamoto, deputy director pointed out " garden party the place is Sesse inviting those who can play an active part in the various fields , mentioned the achievements , not to be such a thing is a matter of common sense " he said. It expressed concern about the " to think to generalize it is difficult , but the event or events is less likely to open smoothly " and the impact on the imperial family events in the future. It is assumed to " refrain from comment because it is personal communication " for the contents of the letter .

( 32 minutes Yomiuri Shimbun 18:05 November 2013 )

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