
Liberal Democratic Party if Japan Communist Party also terrorism parties "Choshu terrorist" regime.

Current Uyo, thought that is affixed label in the extreme right's home and abroad, the view of history roots, Edo, is what happened in Japan of the Tokugawa regime late "Son'no Joi Movement".

Is "piggyback" on Sonnō jōi movement, was called "patriot" of influential clan of Satsuma-Choshu, "terrorists" who killed the "Takaaki" At the time of Ima-jo emperor, and Ayatsureru at will "MutsuHitoshi" and fielded, under the new name, Tokyo Edo, was established a new government was deported as "Emperor". This regime is now of bureaucratic control, Kasumigaseki = is the roots of the Tokyo government.

Japan of dawn, this coup, which is beautified with the Meiji Restoration is only coup that was in the background just armed rather than the current democratic procedures "election". Virtually Choshu Meiji oligarchy a government big shot politician Okubo Toshimichi time in the Meiji oligarchy struggles of early Satsuma Metropolitan was assassinated in the wake was Gyuji~tsu the Meiji government.

Bakumatsu, "terrorist" = "patriot" Ito Hirobumi who had joined the overthrow of the government activities as the Freedom and People's Rights Movement of growing in Choshu faction, the "constitutional Seiyukai" as profit advocate political party of zaibatsu founding, as the first Prime Minister fit in their own party leader became.

Choshu faction, conglomerates and Yamaguchi Prefecture in the surviving Kishi in dealing with post-war GHQ A class war criminals that was there also a person who has entered the political arena in it to patronage is Nariaga~tsu were guys (Choshu clan) born, the grandson Abe Shinzo is the current Prime Minister.
The Liberal Democratic Party of politicians is also the "guys" or the second generation III.

When Kazuo Shii chairman of the Communist Party was representative questions in the House of Representatives plenary session of the 17th, flew jeers of the "terrorist party" from the floor. Communist Party is questioned, I was offered the investigation of the facts in Hayashi Mikio House of Representatives Rules and Administration Committee Chairman.

Jeers of problem, Shii Mr. and awareness of Japanese hostage by extremist organization "Islamic countries", flew when positive or put someone in if dismantling the terrorist organization to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It was the contents of the "truly terrorism political party".

According to the Communist Party, or was a voice from any position, that was not clear. Also referred to as the are Communist Party lawmakers jeers did not hear, but floor was Zawatsui moment, confusion did not occur. (Joint)

[19:23 February 17, 2015]

Sonnō jōi =The Sonnō jōi, to honor the king, it is thought that you want Shirizokeyo a foreign enemy. Affected by the Mitogaku and Kokugaku of the late Edo period (Edo), pointing to the political slogan that was Koyo to the Meiji Restoration period

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