






● http://www.xinhua.jp/resource/2013/05/112-15.jpg



神戸市中央区の公園で2012年9月、通りかかった男性2人を殴るなどして重軽傷を負わせたとして、 傷害罪に問われた香川県丸亀市の男性会社員(31)の判決が28日、神戸地裁であった。 





読売新聞 5月29日(水)10時46分配信 





Denso execs to plead guilty to price fixing in Toyota case

May 21 (Reuters) - Two executives at Japan's Denso Corp have agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to fix prices of electronic auto parts sold to Toyota and will cooperate with an ongoing criminal investigation, the U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday.

The settlement is the latest in a wide-ranging investigation into price fixing for a variety of car parts that has ensnared nine companies and elicited guilty pleas from 14 executives.

The Denso executives, Yuji Suzuki and Hiroshi Watanabe, both Japanese nationals, will serve time in U.S. prison and pay a criminal fine, the department said. Suzuki agreed to serve a 16-month sentence while Watanabe negotiated 15 months.

Denso itself pleaded guilty in the conspiracy and agreed to pay a $78 million fine last year.

The two men agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to fix the prices of heater control panels that regulate a car's temperature and were sold to Japan's Toyota Motor Corp and a U.S. subsidiary, the Justice Department said.

Suzuki also agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to fix the prices of electronic control units, which regulate power windows, power locks and other electrical systems.

In addition to the prison sentence, each man must also pay a fine of $20,000 and cooperate with the ongoing investigation.

The Justice Department's Antitrust Division has also settled with Autoliv, Tokai Rika Co Ltd, TRW Deutschland Holding GmbH, Nippon Seiki Col Ltd, Fujikura Ltd , Furukawa Electric Co Ltd, Yazaki Corp and G.S. Electech.

Rape unfolded at the same time as the Normandy landings by the U.S. military

Rape unfolded at the same time as the Normandy landings by the U.S. military

Nazi Germany U.S. soldiers who participated French Normandy - May 27 AFP = current events] (some updated) Second World War (World War II) in the (Normandy) landing operation is, from (Nazi) France It has been portrayed as a brave hero that has been released. Next month, research publications, to clear the negative side hidden in the image of "young American soldier's handsome" that has done so is published in the United States.

: "What (soldiers did they Sex and the American GI in World War II France: What Soldiers Do American soldiers and sex in France during the Second World War" in to be published in June, the U.S. University of Wisconsin (University It is work that Mary Louise Roberts of Wisconsin) (Mary Louise Roberts) Professor (history) is summarized by study materials during World War II of a huge amount in U.S. and France.

"I was to turn up a lie GI (occupation army soldier) is a tough guy, and act on the basis of justice always typical of" GI myth, '"Roberts Professor, told AFP about the purpose of the research. According to the professor, sexuality, prostitution, rape that had been adopted "get the upper hand against the French" as a means at the time in the U.S. military.

U.S. soldiers who had seen was come to find "Aventure sex" from the people of Normandy, and heavy-hungry sex. This is what is well known in the local Normandy, but Professor Roberts says the "big surprise" for Americans in general.

■ "hide the women", sexual activity everywhere around town

Between the local people was drawing as liberator perspective romantic about American soldiers landed in Normandy the U.S. media, such as a photograph of a young French woman and American soldiers to kiss was facing a "problem". The local story "The hide to see the Germans it was men, but had to hide the women in the case of U.S. soldiers" and that the transmitting.

Was the first time in debauchery of our American soldiers, tort, as well as racism and more organized. Professor Roberts "GI had sex everywhere anywhere" he said.

In particular, the bad behavior of the American soldiers who stood out that Le Havre and Cherbourg (Le Havre) in (Cherbourg). The American soldiers who, to invite sex openly even married women and if you look at the woman, buildings ruined by receiving park, the bombing, cemetery, and on the track, everywhere city became a place of sexual activity. However, not all was done under the agreement between the two, reports of rape by U.S. soldiers also have been left hundreds of.

With enough "to walk the streets without apparent men and women have a sex impossible" and, it is written Le Havre then mayor has sought to improve the commander of the U.S. stationed troops According to the documents Roberts professor found out had. Senior officer from the U.S. military gave an official statement condemned the acts of soldiers, but that did not work for improvement.

■ France introduce "brothel", also Pickup Lines - U.S. propaganda magazine

Professor Roberts is a young man who is courageous U.S. soldiers at the time, it is touching to not forget about the fact that the heroic deeds brave is thanks from France. On the other hand, it is also pointed out that it is seen as immediate measures to inspire young people the U.S. military to fight in a strange country, that it was propaganda to appeal to sexual desire of American soldiers who intentionally.

For example, "Life (Life)" was described as "a huge brothel 40 million people hedonist lives," the U.S. magazine France, a pioneer of photo journalism. In addition, "Stars and Stripes newspaper (Stars and Stripes)" is a French phrase series to seduce a woman France U.S. military organ. I was introduced clues conversation "You very cute, is not" "I'll give you a cigarette," "now,? For stay at home parents" and.

Professor Roberts wrote, "the libido of the American soldiers, the hand was not attached after it caught fire once" he said.

The book of Professor Roberts, American soldiers were accused of rape at the time of the incident, which also depressed the fact that black soldiers were many overwhelmingly further. According to the data of October 1944, black soldiers have been accused of 130 out of 152 rape cases entwined the U.S. soldiers. I pointed out that Professor Roberts, and shows the deep-rooted discrimination in the U.S. military about this. French also, and began to blame by pointing a black American soldier immediately.

■ I re-considered as experience of mankind

Just about '70, by not necessarily want to rewrite history, to clarify the "actual situation as seen from the French side", Roberts Professor, "The emptiness Eiyuutan Tadano for the reason for publishing the book from the Normandy landings ( It explains that a purpose of re-capture the Normandy landings as "one of the experience of" humanity that goes beyond Tan) ". (C) AFP = current events / AFPBB News


【5月27日 AFP=時事】(一部更新)第2次世界大戦(World War II)中の仏ノルマンディー(Normandy)上陸作戦に参加した米軍兵士たちは、フランスをナチスドイツ(Nazi)から解放した勇敢な英雄として描かれてきた。そうした「若いハンサムな米兵さん」のイメージに隠された負の側面を明らかにした研究書が来月、米国で出版される。

 6月に刊行予定の「What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France(兵士らは何をしたのか:第2次世界大戦中のフランスにおける性と米兵」は、米ウィスコンシン大学(University of Wisconsin)のメアリー・ルイーズ・ロバーツ(Mary Louise Roberts)教授(歴史学)が、米仏で膨大な量の第2次大戦中の資料を研究してまとめた著作だ。






 特に、ルアーブル(Le Havre)やシェルブール(Cherbourg)では米兵たちのマナーの悪さが目立ったという。米兵たちは、女性を見れば既婚女性でさえ公然とセックスに誘い、公園、爆撃を受けて廃墟と化した建物、墓地、線路の上など、街中いたるところが性行為の場となった。しかし、全てが両者の合意のもとで行われたわけではなく、米兵によるレイプの報告も数百件残されている。




 例えば、写真ジャーナリズムの草分けである米誌「ライフ(Life)」は、フランスを「快楽主義者4000万人が住む巨大な売春宿」と表現した。また、米軍機関紙「星条旗新聞(Stars and Stripes)」は、フランス女性を口説くためのフランス語フレーズを連載。「きみ、とても可愛いね」「たばこをあげようか」「ご両親は今、家にいるの?」といった会話の糸口を紹介していた。




 ノルマンディー上陸作戦から約70年たった今、同書を出版する理由についてロバーツ教授は、歴史を書き換えたいわけではなく、「フランス側から見た実態」を明らかにすることによって、ただの「空虚な英雄譚(たん)」にとどまらない「人類の経験の1つ」としてノルマンディー上陸作戦を捉え直すのが目的だと説明している。(c)AFP=時事/AFPBB News



 米国や中国、日本など世界16カ国と欧州連合(EU)を対象にした国際社会の好感度に関する調査で、 韓国は10位だったことが27日までに分かった。これは、英国BBC放送が昨年末と今年初め、世界25カ国・ 約2万6000人を対象に実施した調査で、韓国が国際社会に及ぼす影響について肯定的に評価したのは 36%、否定的に評価したのは31%だった。

ウォンチョル首席研究員は「調査期間中に北朝鮮リスクの要素があったが、順位が上がったのは意義 深い。政治・経済に加え、歌手PSY(サイ)のような韓流ブームの影響があるのだろう」と話している。



 韓国、中国、日本はお互い厳しい評価を付けていた。韓国に対し肯定的に評価した日本人は19%で 昨年に比べ15ポイント下がった。中国人は44%が韓国に対し肯定的に評価し、28%は否定的に評価 した。日本に対し肯定的に評価した韓国人は21%、中国人は17%にとどまり、中国に対し肯定的に 評価した韓国人は23%、日本人は5%にすぎなかった。

 好感度調査の全体1位はドイツ(肯定的評価59%、否定的評価15%)だった。2位はカナダ(肯定的 評価55%、否定的評価13%)、3位は英国(肯定的評価55%、否定的評価18%)。昨年1位だった日本は 今年4位に下がり、中国は8位だった。最下位圏は15位北朝鮮、16位パキスタン、17位イランだった。




シークレットシューズとは、靴底の踵部分が厚く(高く)なっており、これを履くことで通常の靴よりも履いた人の身長をより高く見せる、足をより長く見せる機能をもたせた靴のこと。形状によってはシークレットブーツ、総称して上げ底靴や底上げ靴とも呼称される。英語ではElevator shoesと呼ばれる。

心理的効果 [編集]


実用 [編集]

背を高くする効果を得る代償に無理な底上げ体勢で履く状態なので、基本運動などには向いてないとされる また極端な底上げシューズの場合は階段の上り下りもしずらくなる為、日常の行動を出来る程度のを選ばないといけない。

