
세계에서 '야스쿠니'비난하는 것은 중한 만

세계에서 '야스쿠니'비난하는 것은 중한 만

신도 요시타카 총무 장관은 16 일 BS 후지 방송에서 자신을 포함한 각료에 의한 종전 기념일의 야스쿠니 신사 참배에 대해 "개인의 마음의 자유의 문제이다. 외교의 장에서 다루어지는 것이 당연 어쩔 수 없다" 며 중국과 한국의 비판을 견제했다.

동시에 "중국과 한국이 반응하고 있지만 다른 아시아 국가에서 반응은 듣지 못했다"고 지적했다.
자신은 년에 몇번이나 참배하고 있다고도 설명했다.

야스쿠니 신사에 합사 된 도조 히데키 전 총리 등 A 급 전범의 분사 논의에 관해서는 "채택하면
헐 레이션을 일으키는 "고 부정적인 생각을 나타냈다.

source : 일본 경제 신문 http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS1601V_W3A810C1PP8000/

원래는 중한가 비판하기 전에 "중국에서 비판이 우려된다"고 부추 기고 야스쿠니 문제를 외교 문제로 한 것이 일본 폄하 이익을 얻고있는 아사히 신문입니다








In the world to "Yasukuni" blame only China and South Korea

At the BS Fuji program on the 16th, Shindo Yoshitaka Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications is "a matter of freedom of an individual mind. Unavoidable that it be taken up in the field of diplomacy is a Wonderland" for the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine of the anniversary of the end of the war by the ministers, including itself you said, you restrain criticism of China and South Korea.

Pointed out, "China and South Korea have reacted, but did not hear the reaction from Asian countries other" and at the same time.
Himself explained that also has worship several times a year.

For a discussion of pine minutes of class-A war criminals Hideki Tojo from former prime minister, which is enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine if Toriagere "
Shows the negative thoughts to be "cause halation.

source: Nihon Keizai Shimbun http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS1601V_W3A810C1PP8000/

It is the Asahi Shimbun that benefit diminished Japan originally When was the foreign affairs Yasukuni problem fueled "criticism is a concern from China," and before that China and South Korea to criticism


 新藤義孝総務相は16日のBSフジ番組で、自身を含めた閣僚による終戦記念日の靖国神社参拝について「個人の心の自由の問題だ。外交の場で取り上げられることが 不思議で仕方ない」と述べ、中国や韓国の批判をけん制した。 



source:日本経済新聞 http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS1601V_W3A810C1PP8000/





 アミューズ・ミュージカルシアターで今月9日、「兄弟は勇敢だった?!」が上演されたが、901席ある客席のうち半分も埋まらなかった。KBSドラマ「笑ってトンヘ」が日本でも放送され、日本のファンも多いチ・ チャンウクが主演したが、上演10日目を迎えるとチケットの売れ行きが鈍くなった。 




 まず、「三銃士」はJun.Kや2AMのチャンミン、SUPER JUNIORのキュヒョンらを主役に起



 一方の「兄弟は勇敢だった?!」は韓国色を強く打ち出した作品だ。劇場も韓国ミュージカル専用館であるこ とを強く意識させるつくりになっている。ロビーのモニターには韓国の歌手、PSYのミュージックビデオが流 れ、厨房を舞台に繰り広げられる韓国ノンバーバル(非言語)パフォーマンス「NANTA(ナンタ)」などの韓国ミュージカルを紹介するパンフレットがあちこちに置かれている



「ミュージカル韓流」は錯覚 冷静な市場分析が必要


 日本での「ミュージカル韓流」はジャンルや作品自体が持つ力というよりは、「K-POP韓流」から派生し た錯覚だというのだ。また、20~30代をメーンターゲットにする韓国の創作ミュージカルの場合、40~50代の主婦が観客の大部分を占める日本市場でどのように活路を見いだすか考えるべきだという指摘もある。 




 「三銃士」の日本側企画会社「クオラス」の担当者は、アイドル目当てに来た観客が作品を好きになって再び観覧するケースがあるとしながら、「今後は韓国をテーマにしたミュージカルに関心を持つ観客も出てくるだろ う」と予想した。

<中国>サザン新曲引き合いに日本政府けん制 終戦記念日
毎日新聞 8月15日(木)20時17分配信










受ける法の網はどうしよう(Ev'ry word fakes you)

Where is your paradise?
It's better on my side
色はGRAY o Come on!!
更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 
Ah Ah Look up to your heaven

当選(うか)る前の策は御苦労(Ev'ry word fakes you)

Where is your paradise?
It's better on my side
街はGRAY o Come on!!

Woo Baby C'mon
Woo Now I'm alone
Woo Baby C'mon Ah Ah
色はGRAY o Come on!!
街はGRAY o Come on!!


한국에 8.15 광복은 미국이 일본을 항복시킨 산물에 불과하다.

한국에 8.15 광복은 미국이 일본을 항복시킨 산물에 불과하다.

역사를 날조 할 수밖에 뇌없는 미치광이 한국인

역사를 잊은 민족 = 한국에 미래는 없다

당시 일본 제국 국민 최악의 전쟁 범죄를 한 것은 "조선인"이다 w

■ 한 의사의 회상 "키얀간, 야마시타 장군 항복의 땅"
필리핀 "일본의 점령에서 가장 잔혹했던 것은 한국이었다. 아기를 던지고 총검으로받은 것도 그들이었다. 모두가 그렇게 믿고있다."

■ 당시의 중국인이 그린 만화 "일본의 군기를 휘두르는 조선인이 중국인을 죽여라!"

■ 중국인 샤오 永光의 "일본군은 홍콩에서 무엇을 했는가?"
(조선인은) 일반 일본인보다 키가 크고, 일본의 정규군보다 더 흉포했다.
민가에 난입 해 부녀 폭행 한 것은 대부분 일본인의 손끝이되어 나쁜 짓을하고 있던 조선인이었다.
당시 홍콩 주민은 일본군에 대한보다 더 격렬한 증오의 생각을 그들에게 안았다.

■ 부처 종이 Paris Match 원래 특파원 알프레드 스무라의 "일본은 오해 받고있다"
별로 일본인 전범의 책임을 경감 할 생각은 없지만, 점령 지역에서 가장 미움받은 것은
요즘 일본 국적을​​ 가지고 있던 조선인 이었다는 것을주의 해 봐야한다.

■ 후루 노 나오야의 "조선 군사령부 1904 ~ 1945"(요약)
전쟁 중 3500 명의 조선인이 포로 감시를하고 있었다. (아마 군속 = 민간인)
약자에 잔학성을 발휘하는 민족성에서 일본군에 숨어 포로 학대를하고 있었다.

■ 오스트레일리아 인 케니스 해리슨의 "장하다 일본 병"
그들 (조선인)은 (일본인에 비해) 대형으로, 얼굴은 평평하게, 지성에 떨어 일본인이 준 굴욕을 우리에게 전가했다.
아무리 시도해도, 우리는 그들과 진짜있는 맞춤은 설정할 수 없으며 체벌이되면, 일본 병보다 그들이 훨씬 더 두려워했다.

■ "미얀마 사람들은 버마의 하프를 어떻게 보았 지"
미얀마 인 "일본인 병사보다 조선인 병사가 더 힘들었다"
http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/ ~ cr1h-ymnk/96-02-01.html

그리고 전후 "전승국"고 큰 거짓말 재판에서 도망친도 "조선인"
정에 말하는 자격이 없지만 어떨까?

너희들은 자주 독립 따윈 같은 -의, 거짓말하지 사대주의의 겁쟁이 노예 민족이

동남아 국가가 겁쟁이 조선인과 달리 진정한 독립 한단 것은
전후 연합국이 일본에 빼앗긴 식민지를 가장 식민지화하려고 침공 한 것을
자신의 힘 (무력)으로 쟁취했지만 故이야, 너희들과는 전혀 다른

독립 운동 따위는 국외로 도망 1500 명 정도의 무리에 의한 단발적인 테러 만
다른 사람과 달리 국내에 머물며 민족 총동원으로 반항 전략 한 것 아냐거야 조선인은

조선 총독​​부 인원의 7,8 %는 조선인이었고, 지방 의회도 7,8 %가 조선인이었던거야
인정하고 싶지 않겠지 만, 합병 후 조선은 일본인이 아니라 조선인이 자주적으로 달리고 있었다

그래서 연합국은 한국의 독립 운동을 인정하지 않았다거야, 단념해라


Protests 600m away mad Korea parliamentarians, from Yasukuni

Protests 600m away mad Korea parliamentarians, from Yasukuni

People in America mad Korean When you have similar activities in the United States, Arlington Cemetery 

What do you think?

The 15th, four lawmakers from the South Korean opposition Democratic Party affiliation came to Japan in accordance with the anniversary of the end of World War II and listed a banner that says "against the militarism of the Abe administration" at Yasukuni Shrine near Tokyo Kudankita I went to protests.

It was planned to be performed at the shrine in the beginning but, in response to the persuasion of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and Japanese government officials, was changed on the road to a distance of about 600 meters.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, this day, members of the right-wing group is trying to approach the media of South Korea During the interview, it became a scuffle with riot to restrain the Yasukuni Shrine.

(04 minutes Yomiuri Shimbun 20:15 August 2013)


時事通信 8月14日(水)16時23分配信









“我希望你能通知他们,”等待这个“房间打扫重光葵老师”。 1956年5月与日本工会的官员在接受采访时这样的谈话,访问了中国,周恩来总理发出了一个信息,欢迎访问中国重光克昭。但我并没有与日本实现关系正常化的头发,而不是在'72所需。



71 :



Clerk put a spit in goods in Korea McDonald's

Clerk put a spit in goods in Korea McDonald's

"Em is some poison in Japan asshole or piss.'ll Come" world's lowest level service level "and to something that was spat, did you eat all?"

Korea "saliva enters Mac" incident customer service was the lowest in the world?
Least news of Korea Mac

According to the report leading newspaper of South Korea, the Tou-a daily report, after the carrier of South Korea McDonald's delivered the goods to the customer,
Were sent hate e-mail "and to something that was spat, did you eat everything?" And their clients.
The customer that reported in McDonald's as unpleasant it, South Korea McDonald's
that was the excuse that gibberish and "Employee of the part has gone to make mistakes momentarily because it was hot" and.

For example, Really? I'm McDonald's top companies?
I'm looking to also service such as education properly? Get there such a thing?
The you who thought so, awareness of Korea might have a little shortage.
"Susamaji of service in Korea is not such a thing" is that apparently,
It's like the common opinion of people who have ever been to Korea.
Mr N counting '10 Korea travel history, 15 times travel times say.

I'll say. "No, but even this I I was getting screwed better.
When something's area often Japanese Korean customers in particular,
It 's much is there is also a store can receive services that do not change much with Japan?
South Korea 's of a decade ago, did not get there absolutely such a thing.
Talk much incident of this McDonald's because I was a daily occurrence "

But, is not it an old story What is it?

No, no? "Eh, even right now, as you enter the store you do not have tourists a little off, the situation is not changed by much.
Service level of Korean world's lowest level. This, and still because it is common knowledge among the travelers "

It does not become the joke that it is food shop

The Are there any specific episode?

Not as "Nikoli, and not say Thank You, this much is obvious.
The Don the goods! The deal to place with, to wrest the gold. About this too is normal almost.
That you come in contact with an attitude like pick a fight openly Many,
That you wonder this person, and I wonder are willing to sell really is also often.
Well, what does that gonna be or clerk was hired "

Well, you are such a service, willing to shop at the store I will be ... nothing.

Can not be pulled out is concerned it sometimes treatment is Nante's, become complicated at the moment you pass the money I Was in a good humor "At first.
And, with goods considered good from entering the hand as long to put up with unpleasant thought that if such as souvenir, the problem is restaurant "

If it is a bad service, I'll feel bad the taste of food simply.

"Well. Besides, to continue to put up with food because I is impossible.
As soon as see that it is Japanese me, that you come to service while Imakuri ill in Korean Korean clerk at each other, too'm often.
Assuming you do not know me Nante Korean speaking little.
There was also said that "Hey, asshole Japan is'll come," "Oh, piss on you, I em is some poison in" Nante's.
Is not it is not a joke indeed. Will not get a break in about saliva somehow. I thought so. "

Kind regards is also then will not be a low-level of service everywhere,
There is no opinion hospitality of Japan "your god" of the system that's too special also Suteoke.
However, that when the Japanese went to South Korea, to the unpleasant thought is that many solid state.
What exactly correct? The correct answer is such thing exist?
Work to bridge the culture gap, it does not appear to be a simple story never.


Democratic Party administration of only pressed against the Self-Defense Forces to wipe ass lost confidence in the fiasco at the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident - their

Democratic Party administration of only pressed against the Self-Defense Forces to wipe ass lost confidence in the fiasco at the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident - their

For (66), Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is any 12 days Naoto Kan, House of Representatives member of the Democratic Party in the prime minister at the time of the accident, which circulates support of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, has been charged with criminal charges, such as professional negligence resulting in injuries It was found in an interview to the participants that you have requested questioned.

Kan side conveyed the intention is not according to the hearing, to submit a written opinion to deny the accusation charges or "there was no problem with the accident response" to the week.

According to people familiar with the matter, and if you make a precedent to respond to hearing law enforcement disaster response as government leaders, reasons for not depending on the hearing is that because there is a risk of an adverse effect on the crisis in the future.

District Prosecutor's Office, requested a hearing before the same day Yukio Edano House of Representatives member of former Chief Cabinet Secretary (64) Kaieda Banri, head of the Democratic Party of the original phase of Economy, Trade and Industry, which is charged with suspicion of as well (49). I seen two people also deny the charges.

In the accident, in addition to hydrogen explosion occurs in the reactor building, more than 10 people Self-Defense Forces colleagues and TEPCO employees had hit the work in the building around was injured, exposed local residents were also (nuked). Pointed out that accusation, that immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, three Kan et al took command of accident response is incorrect response has led to the accident. In particular, I have that there is a suspicion that the Kan visited the same nuclear power plant accident in the next day, led to the delay of work to release the steam containing radioactive substances "vent". To confirm the recognition of three conditions and official residence inside at the time, prosecutors, and requested hearing.

Kan argues in his book, we have understand that TEPCO performs vent to visit before, and was instructed to rush to vent the verge of the visit. I believed a similar explanation in the written opinion.

■ radioactive material external leakage accident in human history up to the Democratic Party has caused the flow of the Fukushima nuclear power plant crisis

1) United States military airlift of boric acid, recommended the injection into the reactor. But Democrats refused because of boric acid injection = decommissioning.
2) fresh water depletion. TEPCO ready for sea water injection. But Democrats refused because of seawater injection = decommissioning.
3) TEPCO plans to light water injection cooling, apply for a steam release to the government. (Steam release required governmental approval of the steam oven because it is radioactive)
Kaieda Minister instructed to stop the steam release Prime Minister Kan is so going to visit the next day, however 4). (TEPCO puzzle)
After all, 5) steam release conducted since the dawn inspection of Prime Minister Kan has finished.
Trouble the valve is not open No. 1 reactor vessel external pressure becomes more than twice the default value in this 6) delay.
It was conducted barely 14 o'clock 7) Steam release work, but 36 minutes 15:00, Unit 1 explosion.
Radiation dose increase of 8) site. The control room work difficult.
9) Unit 3 (8) was allowed to stand for a reason, explosion.
10) Unit 2 explosion.
11) Unit 4 explosion.
Almost impossible human work radiation dose of 12) field causes an explosion.
Decision 13) TEPCO, work continued difficult. It sounded a full withdrawal to the government. (After I was going to leave to support U.S. forces and the Self-Defense Forces)
Deny 14) Prime Minister Kan this. The pep talk the work continues.
After two days with no 15) workarounds,.
Re-criticality possibility of 16) Unit 4 is recognized by the government. Prime Minister Kan has received described in "East is no longer" in this point.
The water bucket investment strategy by 17) GSDF helicopters. The no observed effect.
Instruction manual on drainage was allowed to write a suicide note 18) Tokyo firefighters. The no observed effect.
Deployed to Okinawa 450 soldiers trained corresponding to the nuclear weapons and chemical weapons Willard commander) (U.S. Pacific Command
19) President Obama. Declared "up to the Fukushima nuclear power plant immediately if the request of the Japanese government".
20) Prime Minister Kan refused this proposal



3 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2011/04/03(日) 14:09:14.58 ID:AMIO3f1F0
丸山桂里奈 (元東電社員。1年前まで大半が福島原発で総務担当のマリーゼ所属) 

 私は原発内の人と連絡をとったり福島にいる人と連絡をとっていますから本当のことを知る事が出来るから、  ニュースや報道に対して敏感になるし、納得いかなかったり腹立たしくなることさえある。 


森 祐介 


大槻 路子 
「逃げずにそれに立ち向かっているのは東電です。どうか非難しないで下さい。  東電社員であることを誇りに思います」 


以上のように ここの社員の人達には「私達も被害者だ。これは天災だ。」こう思ってる人達は多いでしょう。 勿論、あなた達も被害者です。











 よく考えてから批判するように!!!文句あるなら電気使うな! あなたみたいな陰湿な事をいう 

 しかし、これに対して「世間知らず」など批判の声が多数出て、さらに女性は次のように反論した。  「世間知らずはどっちでしょうね。批判してるのは極一部ですよ。普通の人は東電頑張れと
 応援してくれてます! 今批判的なことを言うのは妬みだと思います。あと社長が悪いとか
 幹部が悪いとか言いますがみんな必死にやってます! そういう人間を批判する人間は
 自分が原発に行けばいいんじゃないですかね? 行く度胸もなく、ただ電気を使わせて


South Korea is jealous of Japan. "Do not look over here Korea" Japan

And just because can not Do not be a ballistic missile certification on its own, make your own.

▲ model of Japan successive rocket. A small rocket on the right is the 'epsilon' fired 27.

the 27th, I launch into space domestically new rocket that Japan uses a solid fuel for the first time in seven years. Solid fuel location
Military strategic sense, such as China check quite a few can be converted intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at any time Tsu port.

11, 27, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to launch a new type of Japanese rocket 'ε' from the Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Epsilon can be put in orbit a small satellite of 1.2 tons in the three-stage solid fuel rocket 24.4 m in length, 2.6 meters in diameter and 91 tons weight. Co-Japanese companies IHI Aerospace JAXA and was charged (about 235.8 billion won) 20.5 billion yen
Was developed.

The late 1960s, Japan has failed rocket launch four times in a row. However, in 1975, I was able to be launched into space N-1 of past models in support of the United States I was surprised to nuclear testing in China. The value since the beginning of 1990
At that time, has done a space technology independence pouring at a time 19 billion yen of twice the global average production cost rocket stage to eliminate the cheap exotic parts. The fruition is the H-2 series.

2007, the Japanese government privatization passed to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the satellite launch business in justification of space industry development. Last year, the company launched to put on the H-2A with orders Arirang No. 3 of South Korea. Japanese government new
Was embarked on a rocket 'ε' development also was from 2007. It was to be called to order overseas satellite launch at a cheap price further. M5 is a solid fuel rocket previous Japanese performance of world-class
It boasted but launch cost was very high at 7.5 billion yen. After all, business is interrupted in 2006 of nine years from the launch of the first in the practical reason that fall.

JAXA was cost reduction thorough in the process of developing the epsilon. I changed to the computer control and inspection operations. M5 when firing, two people work 7 (to launch from launch pad installed) cocking 100 people were 42 days
I have to end in the day. Firing total expenses fell to ¥ 3,000,000,000 units of half the level of M5. 1 rocket stage was diverted existing rocket parts without new development.

The problem is both sides of the military space technology can be converted at any time. solid fuel rocket launch Japan this time is used to ICBM mainly to be able to launch in a short period of time it is possible to move in tune with a special vehicle. Space development expert of Japan
Kim Kyung Min Hanyang University professor is home were analyzed "solid fuel rocket in the size of the epsilon about possible weapons diversion at any time" he said.

Possibility of military diversion was less for the disadvantages of the time taken to inject the fuel in the liquid fuel rocket H-2 series was the mainstay of Japan until now. History of drift to the right in Japan against the background of epsilon launch
I have amplified the concern that. In 2008, was changed Self-Defense Forces to be able to operate in defense purposes reconnaissance satellite to make the Basic Space Law Japan. The provisions to be limited to peaceful purposes the space development in JAXA installation method to last year especially
It made it possible to military use of outer space to delete. It's that embark on all-weather space strategy building taking into consideration to military as well as industrial.

Tokyo = Bae Gugin correspondent

Shoot (Korean) Date ICBM transferable rocket the 27th Dong-A Ilbo: source



